Chamber Members
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Redfield Baptist Church
734 E 7th Avenue
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-1833
Business Category: Churches, Redfield
Redfield Energy, LLC
38650 171st St.
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-302-0090
Business Category: Ethanol Production, Energy, Redfield
Redfield Food Center
516 Main Street
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-0424
Business Category: Catering, Grocery, Liquor Store, Hunting License, Eat and Stay, Redfield
Redfield Knights of Columbus
215 E 7th Avenue
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-302-0001
Business Category: Civic Organization, Redfield
Redfield Lions Club
1108 W 6th Street
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-460-2409
Business Category: Civic Organization, Redfield
Redfield Press
16 E 7th Avenue
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-0822
Business Category: Marketing, Media, Printing, Newspaper, Redfield
Redfield Realty
414 E 9th Ave
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-2052
Business Category: Realtor, Housing, Redfield
Redfield Wesleyan Church
38519 174th Street
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
Business Category: Churches, Redfield
Rude Transportation
300 W 6th Ave.
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-0600
Business Category: Trucking, Redfield
RW Investment Holdings, LLC
18 W 8th Avenue
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-302-0125
Business Category: Rentals, Lodging, Housing, Redfield