Chamber Members
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(there are also businesses from other cities)
SBS Lumber & Hardware
701 W 3rd Street
Redfield, South Dakota 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-2550
Business Category: Home Improvement Store, Lumber Yard
Shanty Haven
1223 West 5th Street
Redfield, SD 57469
(P) 605-460-1800
Business Category: Amusement, Entertainment, Redfield
Simply Charming
623 Main Street
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-450-0436
Business Category: Antiques, Home Furnishings, Gifts, Coffee Shop, Redfield
Spink County 4-H
210 E 7th Ave., Suite 4
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-5006
Business Category: Civic Organization, 4H Club, Redfield
Spink County Fairgrounds
17415 US Hwy 281
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-5006
Business Category: Campground, Venue, Redfield
Spink County Public Transit
728 Main St.
Redfield, SD 57469
(P) 605-472-1552
Business Category: Transportation, Redfield
Spink Dairy Queen Inc
820 W 3rd St.
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-1426
Business Category: Food and Beverage, Restaurant, Eat and Stay, Redfield
St. Bernard Catholic Church
213 E 6th Ave.
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-1482
Business Category: Churches, Redfield
Starters Lanes and Lounge
723 Main St.
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-1928
Business Category: Bowling Alley, Lounge, Food and Beverage, Eat and Stay, Redfield
827 W 4th St. Suite l
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-0101
Business Category: Food and Beverage, Restaurant, Eat and Stay, Redfield