Chamber Members
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(there are also businesses from other cities)
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
1514 E 1st St.
PO 8
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-472-2640
Business Category: Churches, Redfield
Patriot Market
110 Main Street
Tulare, SD 57476
United States
(P) 605-596-4169
Business Category: Grocery, Tulare
Patriot Take-Out/Backroom Bar
116 Main Street
Tulare, SD 57476
United States
(P) 605-596-4169
Business Category: Eat and Stay, Tulare
Peterson/Bahde/Coleman Homes
26 W 6th Ave.
Redfield, SD 57469
(P) 605-472-0444
Business Category: Housing, Rentals, Redfield
Pheasant City Drive In Theatre
17230 US Hwy 281
mailing: 38924 US Hwy 212
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-460-1944
Business Category: Movie Theatre, Entertainment, Redfield
Pheasant Country Lodge
17729 387th Ave.
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-460-1423
Business Category: Lodging, Hunting, Eat and Stay, Redfield
Proven Ag LLC.
17190 US Hwy 281
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-460-1999
Business Category: Ag Services, Redfield
R&L Lodge-N-Inn
415 Main Street
Redfield, SD 57469
United States
(P) 605-460-2158
Business Category: Hunting, Lodging, Eat and Stay, Redfield
Randall Pharmacy
1010 W 1st St.
Redfield, SD 57469
(P) 605-472-1810
Business Category: Medical, Pharmacy, Health Care, Redfield
Redfield Ace Hardware
614 W 3rd Street
Redfield, SD 57469
(P) 605-472-1131
Business Category: Appliances, Department Store, Hardware, Hunting License, Redfield